Fit Boxe
What is Fit Boxe?
Fit Box is at present one of the most diffused and practised sport activity in Italian gyms and its main feature is to mix martial art skills and aerobic activity.
This explosive mix includes a specific activity that offers a new and funny way to learn sel defence skills, preserving all typical advantages of aerobic works, as muscle strenghtening or cardiovascular system’s benefits.
Another particular feature of this discipline is that it is one of few disciplines whic was born in west countries and then it arrived in eastern countries.
During a Fit Boxe class, self defence skills are applied kicking, punching or spinning knees against the special punching bag with music rhythm, sometimes making true choreographies. So the class core consits in repeating some strikes sequences in well-mantained rhythms, forcing all muscle bands. This kind of activity brings the individual to do aerobic activity and muscle tone work at the same time, concurring to burn fats and helping to slim, spurring the cardiocirculatory and respiratory system, increasing endurance and gettin your mood better.
Are you interested in Fit Boxe Course? Contact us!
Were to find us
Via Dei Cipressi – 1 53036 Poggibonsi (SI)
E-mail: palestraoxigym@gmail.com
Phone: 0577980549
WhatsApp: 3922246957